What to Look for in a Counselor
Posted: September 11, 2015
In our previous post, we talked about what clients can do to contribute to counseling success. So, what about the counselor? In my experience, a counselor should have a healthy balance of likeability and effectiveness . If you don't like her, you're probably not going...
What Makes Counseling Work?
Posted: August 28, 2015
The single biggest guarantee of counseling success? Client commitment to the therapeutic process. If you have a mediocre counselor--but a heroic commitment to counseling--you can still achieve heroic growth. However, if you have a heroic counselor--but a mediocre commitment to the therapeutic process--your progress will...
Choose This or That
Posted: July 17, 2015
Corey* just wouldn’t come home on time. His parents set curfew for the 15 year old at 10:00 pm on the weekdays, and he rarely abided by it. Now, I thought that 10:00 pm on a weekday was actually too lenient, but what was important...